Maybe this picture doesn't look particularly attractive but by god I swear one mouthful of these amazing flavours and your mind goes wild.
I know this is a blog where I give you a recipe of how to make a lovely dish but you barely need a recipe for this. I had a craving for scallops the other day and by chance when I was leafing through Nigella Lawson's cookbook I came face to face with scallops and chorizo. Of which I had both in the fridge.Nigella mentioned upping the game by adding chilli to the scallops but I have a feeling that would blow my head off and so decided for the milder version of a squeeze of lemon.
You just need - frozen scallops,
chorizo ( proper, not that unrealistic wafer thin sliced idea)
Quite simply all you need to do is to fling a load of scallops into a frying pan, bundle in the chorizo a few minutes later and fry lightly for 10-12 minutes. Squirt your lemon into the pan as the heat will bring out the lovely zest and add a dollop of butter to make the juices slightly more delicious. Boil some pasta and then throw together on a plate, maybe with a sprinkle of parsley or oregano. Easy. Heaven.