Saturday, 30 June 2012

'I was So Long at the Fair'

I want to apologize profusely for not posting on here for god knows how long. It certainly isn't because I haven't been eating my fair share of delicious food and then thinking about it for days afterwards, I have, but I have just found myself concentrating far more on my obsession with movies on my sister blog than talking about almost passing out with excitement after digging into Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream (I only do that on special occasions). So what have I been munching on recently? Well to be honest I've been cheating a little bit and eating a huge amount of Iceland ready meals. I know I know, they are hideously bad for you and I can almost imagine my arteries closing up with disgust after I've gorged on one of their Indian delicacies for the meagre sum of £2.50. However, when other things are going on in your life you (or certainly me) find that the best way to go is to the freezer for a tasty pig-out. I've also discovered their latest offering in the £1 freezer of 'Cheesy Beans' (I must say I do sound a bit like a chav from a council estate but I can assure you I'm quite well-educated and have a basic grasp of English) which sounds just as childish as it actually is. You are also treated to 3 or 4 'sausages' (with no actual sausage meat in them) plus some tiny squares of fried potato with lumps of re-processed chedder on top and then the whole thing is effectively drowned in watery baked beans. I must say, it sounds disgusting, but for a quick meal during a week night I find myself quite drawn to it. Welcome to 21st Century Britain.